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The Production Process of Freeze Dried Fruit

   We have knowing that the freeze dried is just a process to preserve food. It can make the seasoned food stay longer, and also becomes more easy for people traving. Many people may doubt that whether the production process would damage the nurition of the fresh food.The following is the whole process of producing the freeze dried food. Recent studies have shown that the freeze dried food preserves 95% of the nutrition, whose nutritive value is just inferior to the fresh food.

Step 1: Pretreatment


Step 2: De-enzyme

Step 3: Traying

Step 4: Low temperature freeze

Step 5: Cutting

Step 6: Freeze drying

Step 7:Test

Step 8: Packaging and Saving

These are the steps of producing the freeze dried food, please rest asure the quality and the 95% nutrition it preserved.


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